Dayle in Limoux – Day #16

    July 20, 2022

    ‘No one feels deeply at home on this planet; it is not where we come from, and it is not where we are ultimately headed. It is a place we stay but for a little while, beautiful and blessed when we allow our perceptions of the world to be overshadowed by God’s – We are here because we have a mission: to be the love that is missing in this world, and thus reclaim a darkened world for light.’

    -Marianne Williamson

    It isn’t our home, we’re only here for a short while.

    We’re stewards. And we’re wrecking the place. The leaders have failed Gaia and most likely the future of all humanity. Many species will survive, perhaps thrive, after too many years of recovery. Humanity though? Gone. Metaverses and AI don’t count. This is Gaia’s home. If we could only change our perspective from taking to giving, to repairing, and saving in honor of those who have been here, and those yet to come. How can we be that ‘light’ in our corner of the world? I spoke about this with someone I met after the Tour stage in Limoux who lives in Modesto, CA, in her 70’s, who teaches still in a private school and is depleted by what’s happening in the United States. She feels she can only be an example, and create light in her corner of the world, for her students and their parents, guardians, and families. She is ‘reclaiming’ that light for them. We are desperately running out of time and we must, must, stop allowing aged white capitalist men to continue to make directions about how we heal our earth so we can live. The planet is burning. And politics is killing us.


    I learned yesterday from someone at the Tour that getting a driver’s license in France is one of the great mysteries. An acquaintance of theirs has been trying for 2.5 years! The health care is amazing and plentiful, yet those DL’s? Precious. BUT. There is a car we can drive in France, as young as 14, that doesn’t require a license. It’s called a VSP. After doing some light research, I was out walking about and saw one parked in the street! Love symmetry.

    Two-seaters. This one is a Citroën and all electric! Top speed? 45 kmh, or 28 mph. About $5,000.

    VSP is a Voiture Sans Permis, or, ‘car without a license.’ They sell for around $6,000 new. This one is an ‘Ami’, friend in French. Love France.

    And here’s a photo I found I wanted to share with you as I mentioned a couple of posts ago about Templar Knights and how they sharpened their swords. I saw this in an ancient village in France back in 2019, BT…before time.

    I’m trying to find the name of the church. Anyway, this is often how they would sharpen their swords. I just learned, too, that mummified remains were found at Rennes-les-Chateau were there’s a Mary Magdalene church honoring the Divine Feminine.

    I plan on being there Friday for Mary’s Feast Day on the 22nd. Rennes-les-Chateau is loaded with Sacred Geometry and the number ’22.’ The address of where I’m living in Limoux! Sacred geometry is found all over the ancient Languedoc region, discovered and reported by Sir Henry Lincoln. I’ll have more after my visit on Friday.

    Soon, too, back at this place. My most personal sacred space in this region.

    About six kilometers from Alet-les-Bains. It’s situated in a tiny hamlet with three houses and two farms. It dates to around 830 CE, however some believe other structures were on this site during Roman times, with an ancient standing stone that protrudes through the small church floor. Here’s a picture of Sir Henry leaving the structure in 2019. He died on February 24th of this year. He was 92.

    The exterior of the church.

    Discovered inside, Mary Magdalene. The energy in this place completely envelops. Palpable and powerful. More on St. Salvayre soon.

    French blue and birds in a window. Si française.

    À bientôt.

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