From Seth Godin…

    April 23, 2015

    People are real, but the crowd disappoints 

    • Every crowd, sooner or later, will let you down.
    • The crowd contains a shoplifter, or a heckler, or an anonymous boor who leaves a snarky comment.
    • The crowd loses interest, the crowd denigrates the work, the crowd isn’t serious.
    • Worst of all, sometimes the crowd turns into a mob, out of control and bloodthirsty.
    • But people, people are real.
    • People will look you in the eye.
    • People will keep their promises. People can grow, can change, can be generous.
    • When in doubt, ignore the crowd (and forgive them). When possible, look for people instead.
    • Scale is overrated, again and again.
    Posted by dayle at 11:22 am
    Filed in: Café News
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    8 responses to “From Seth Godin…”

    1. dayle says:

      Beautiful. From CNN/Vine “In a sweet moment, an elderly woman in a wheelchair is carried to meet the Pope.”

    2. dayle says:

      South Carolina Senate votes to take down the Confederate flag….not it’s up to the house. Now, what about NASCAR?

    3. dayle says:

      Heartbroken and dismayed over these protests against people who are practicing their faith in our country with prayer surrounded by hate and firearms. “We act out our littleness when we don’t realize our Divinity. We are spirit in form”

      “Hundreds of anti-Islam demonstrators showed up to the so-called rally — toting AK-47s, rifles and other firearms — screaming hate-filled speech, according to Fox 10 Phoenix.”

    4. dayle says:

      FCC trying to close the digital divide…from theSkimm

      Fail. Reminder: not everybody has access to the Interwebs. But the FCC wants to change that. Yesterday, the FCC proposed a plan to help low-income Americans pay for Internet access. It would expand an already-existing program that started in the ’80s to help people pay to put phones in their homes. The FCC says this will help lower-income people with things as critical as keeping a job – think if you couldn’t pull up your work email at home.”

    5. dayle says:

      In the furnace of humanity, there is goodness beyond measure as public school’s reach beyond poverty, and those with so little yearn to pay it forward…
      1. From APM’s ‘Market Place’: “Oyler School struggles to make a community model work”:
      2. And from NPR’s ‘All Things Considered,’ Dining in the Dark – – those who are blind are trained as food servers:

    6. cory says:

      Crowd theory is an interesting topic in Sociology.

    7. cory says:

      Interesting list.

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