Dayle's Community Café | Dayle in Limoux – Day #80

Dayle in Limoux – Day #80

    September 23, 2022

    St. Salvayre

    When your girl needs to find a signal to connect for a virtual work meeting while exploring ancient ruins in a little hamlet in France called St. Salvayre.

    Finds it…


    Cue the sheep. :) “Wait. Annie, are those cow bells???”

    One year ago today, Annie Glenn was notified of her new job offer to a new company! And today, a massive promotion announced.

    She came down to my room to share the news! No one…no one…has worked harder. 4.0 through high school, all four years of undergrad at DePauw University, Phi Beta Kappa, the nation’s most prestigious honor roll society, graduating summa cum laude. Same for her master’s degree from Georgia Tech…4.0. Her diligence, her discipline, her sense of self. No one could deserve this more. Her maman’s le coeur is bursting with happiness for her success. Thank you, Coronado School District in California, Blaine County School District in Sun Valley, Idaho, and DPU, and Grace Hopper, and Honeywell Aerospace, and now, KSG.




    Très bon, sweet girl. Très bon. Not too shabby for 26❗️

    And, in F R A N C E!

    Celebrate good times, gratitude, and g r a c e.









    Annie Glenn and her maman, Sun Valley, Idaho.


    À bientôt.

    Inhaling grace, exhaling gratitude, dear Gaia, Mariam, Sophia, Joan and Catherine, Bobby D, Alma Evalo Latta, and Darrell Lee. Thanks be to y o u. jai

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