Dayle's Community Café | Tuesday, February 15th, 2022

Tuesday, February 15th, 2022

    February 15, 2022

    Power Path

    Full Moon in Leo is Wednesday, February 16th at 9:56 AM (MST).

    Known as the snow moon, this full moon is much about balance between being and doing, between the masculine and the feminine, between being serious and disciplined and light and joyful. It is a good time to soften your focus and to allow more gifts to come into your field and to align yourself with your purpose and value in life. It is a creative and intuitive time where your prayers should be about what you wish to magnetize into your life.

    Optimism, gratitude, community and support are all themes around this full moon. Take some time to do some self care and to keep opening your heart to the love and support that is already there for you.


    From author and yogi Sean Corn:

    ‘This February full moon, the Snow Moon, rising at the peak of our North American winter, symbolizes the challenges we all face when the world seems cold, dark, and stark.

    Basking in the chilly illumination of this deep and reflective moon can allow us to confront our internal challenges, eliminate unhealthy physical and emotional habits, and release the resentments, resistance, and limiting beliefs that often keep us stuck in a cycle of self-sabotage. The full Snow moon brings a sense of renewed focus.’

    Conversations with God, Neale Donald Walsch, writes: “You may ask a question, then put this book down. But watch. Listen. The words to the next song you hear. The information in the next article you read. The storyline of the next movie you watch. The chance utterance of the next person you meet. Or the whisper of the next river, the next ocean, the next breeze that caresses your ear—all these devices are Mine; all these avenues are open to Me. I will speak to you if you will listen.”
    Prayer and meditation are like the two wings of a bird. Both are needed to fly.
    Prayer is a natural additive to a meditator’s life. If you don’ use prayer, you can try adding it after your meditation period. You don’t need to be particularly religious to pray. Don Miguel Ruiz, you’ve likely heard about it, the Four Agreements.
    As you read the prayer, you can use “I” in the place of “We” if that feels more intimate for you.
    “Today, Creator of the Universe, we ask that you come to us and share with us a strong communion of love. We know that your real name is Love, that to have a communion with you means to share the same vibration, the same frequency that you are because you are the only thing that exists in the universe.
    Help us to love everything you create unconditionally, especially other human beings, especially those who live around us – all our relatives and people whom we try so hard to love. Because when we reject them, we reject ourselves, and when we reject ourselves, we reject you.
    Help us to love others just the way they are with no conditions. Help us to accept them the way they are, without judgment, because if we judge them, we find them guilty, we blame them, and we have the need to punish them.
    Today, clear our hearts of any emotional poison that we have, free our minds from any judgment so that we can lie in complete peace and complete love.
    Today is a very special day. Today we open our hearts to love again so that we can tell each other “I love you,” without fear, and really mean it. Today, we offer ourselves to you. Come to us, use our voices, use our eyes, use our hands, and use our hearts to share ourselves in the communion of love with everyone. Today, Creator, help us to be just like you are. Thank you for everything that we receive this day, especially for the freedom to be who we are. Amen.”

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