Dayle's Community Café | Saturday, January 15th, 2022

Saturday, January 15th, 2022

    January 15, 2022





    Thinking this morning, journalism doesn’t exist, not really, not in a pure sense. Journalism is corporate owned media and social media.


    No qualification, restriction, or limitation; not viewed ion relation to other things or factors.


    Mutual benefit.


    Too great or extreme to be expressed.


    Knowledge of a subject is inevitably partial and limited by the individual perspective.

    Yes. Journalism is absolute, reciprocity exists for profit and attention, the evaporation of democracy and planet is ineffable, and all of it loaded with bias and perspectivism.

    A free press is the foundation of a democracy, and in this country, the United States, as in others, it is state owned, corporate owned, billionaire owned, and not free.

    We are drowning in seas of misinformation and disinformation. No one knows how to rescue our collective, or want to (?), only observing as we breathe our last breath.

    Julian of Norwich:

    “She took advantage of the crisis to explore more deeply what her soul and heart truly desired and was capable of.”



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