On Being…

April 15, 2015

“Violence is what happens when we don’t know what else to do with our suffering.” But, Parker J. Palmer wonders, how do we turn the power of suffering toward new life? It depends on our willingness to exercise our hearts so that when suffering strikes, they are suppler and more able to break open to new life.



Harvard Business Review

What Peter Drucker Knew about 2020…



Suffragette…Early Look

Vanity Fair’s early look at Meryl Streep in ‘Suffragette’…fall release.



They Keep Asking…


Bill Maher even offered her $1 (M) for a political campaign if she would run for president. Here’s the clip…about 10 minutes long. So good.

“I’m not running for president,” Warren replied, deflating the crowd. “But I do want to say this when we do talk about money: I get it about money, and I get it about what’s happening with Citizens United. But there is another half to this: on the other side, we may not have the money, but we have our voices.


Seth Meyers…’No means No’


Why Tweeting Can’t Replace a Civil Rights March

March2Justice demonstration calling for criminal justice reform, Staten Island, New York, America - 13 Apr 2015


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