Is it meeting your needs?

May 20, 2015

Seth Godin:

Or merely creating new wants?

Is it honoring your time or squandering your time?

Is it connecting you from those you care about, or separating you?

Is it exposing you or giving you a place to hide?

Is it important, or only urgent?

Is it right, or simply convenient?

Is it making things better, or merely more pressing?

Is it leveraging your work or wasting it?

What is it for?



From The Week:

“David Letterman is retiring on Wednesday, after 33 years on late-night TV, starting on NBC then, after getting passed over for The Tonight Show, launching a late-night juggernaut at CBS. He’s had a lot of great moments, transformed late-night TV into something more fun and unpredictable, and made a lot of people laugh and feel less alone. His finest moment wasn’t funny, though. It was the Late Show on Sept. 17, 2001, his first after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks…”

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