Meister Eckhart

Thursday, March 24th, 2022

March 24, 2022

Slava Ukraini

‘Perhaps Sartre was not far wrong in saying that where freedom is abused, society itself turns into hell.’

L’enfer c’est les autres.

Richard Rohr, Center for Action and Contemplation:

“When you say you love God, you are saying you love everything (being Gaia). That’s why mystics can love the foreigner, the outsider; in fact, they cannot not love them, because they see truthfully and fully!”

“Return of the Divine Feminine (Mary Magdalene). As the late physicist David Bohm put it, ‘Something more than siren is needed.’ Values are needed, as well as the passion and courage to live them and put them into practice.”

-Matthew Fox

“Meister Eckhart, “Nature is grace.” Creation spirituality. A return to love.

Gnostic gospels of Thomas, Philip and Mary, right practice v. right behavior, the Canonical gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.

Cynthia Bourgeault, Episcopalian priest:

‘Mary Magdalene’s place of honor is so strong that even the heavy land of a later (300 years), male-dominated ecclesiology cannot entirely dislodge it. […] The high position she held among the close followers of Jesus is more explicitly shown in the Gnostic Gospels where Mary Magdalene is seen as “First among the the Apostles”, not because she was the first on the scene at the ressurectioin but in a more fundamental way: because she gets the message. Of all the disciples, she is the only one who fully understands what Jesus is teaching and can reproduce it in her own life. Her position of leadership is earned, and it is specifically validated by Jesus himself.’

Again, it’s right belief v. right practice. Spiritual Creation is practice. “When you love god, you love everything. That’s why the musics can love the foreigner, the outsider; in fact, they cannot not love them, because they see truthfully and fully” (Richard Rohr).

“The world will only change as we change.”

[Now on Netflix]

Marianne Williamson:

“America has lost its capacity to respond to an emergency. Materialism and consumerism have made us dense and sluggish and unable, or unwilling, to collectively respond to even dangers in our midst.” ❁


New Year’s Eve 2019

December 31, 2019

A gift from my friend Jan.

May we each feel the breath that spurs us on, that gives us reason to do it all again, to keep going.
And may this new decade bring us all we wish for and all that we need.

No Country for Old Women

“Hold back the growing tide of men…the relentless tides of men.”


“So this weekend the sun stood still for a while; now it is beginning its slow climb through the season of the light. It’s time to look for the light amidst the dark. And it seems as if it’s been a dark year, in many ways. A dark decade? So the stories we need right now, more than ever, are stories which show light emerging out of darkness.

I’d like to offer you such a story. A bedtime story, tailor-made for the season. I wrote it at precisely this time last year, dreaming over a winter stove with the dogs. Like so many of my stories, it’s a story about the Cailleach – that Old Woman of the World who, in the Gaelic tradition, presides over the winter season. It’s my original reimagining of an old folk tale about the Cailleach, and it’s from my recent collection Foxfire, Wolfskin and Other Stories of Shapeshifting Women.

I offer you a recording of me reading the story in gratitude for your company during the course of the year, and in appreciation for the tribe which walks this path of re-enchantment together. The story is called ‘No Country for Old Women’, and it’s a story of light emerging out of darkness. It’s a story for these times. I hesitate to use the much-maligned word ‘hope’, but it’s a story of hope. And we could all use a little of that right now, I think.

Above all, it’s a story of the Cailleach. Of the archetypes which are calling to us, and rising again.”

-Dr. Sharon Blackie

Even stones have a love, a love that seeks the ground.

-Meister Eckhart



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