Dr. James Doty

The Center for Compassion & Altruism @ Stanford

August 24, 2016


Wellbeing 2.0 for Health Care Professional Conference with Dr. James Doty

Fri., Oct. 28th

7 am to 4:30 pm

Virginia Mason Medical Center

Seattle, WA



While science has made great strides in treating pathologies of the human mind, far less research exists to date on positive qualities of the human mind including compassion, altruism and empathy. Yet these prosocial traits are innate to us and lie at the very centerpiece of our common humanity. Our capacity to feel compassion has ensured the survival and thriving of our species over millennia. For this reason, the Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education (CCARE) at Stanford University School of Medicine was founded in 2008 with the explicit goal of promoting, supporting, and conducting rigorous scientific studies of compassion and altruistic behavior. Founded and directed by Dr. James Doty, Clinical Professor of Neurosurgery, CCARE is established within the Department of Neurosurgery. To date, CCARE has collaborated with a number of prominent neuroscientists, behavioral scientists, geneticists and biomedical researchers to closely examine the physiological and psychological correlates of compassion and altruism.

The alphabet of the heart.

May 16, 2016


Alphabet of the Heart, by Dr. James Doty, professor in the Department of Neurosurgery at Stanford University and the director of CCARE, Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education.


C=Compassion. Recognizing the suffering of another with a desire to alleviate that suffering…beginning with ourselves.

D=Dignity. It needs to be acknowledged and recognized in every person.

E=Equanimity. Evenness of temperament even during difficult times.

F=Forgiveness. The greatest gift to give to another and ourselves.

G=Gratitude. The recognition of the b lessing that our life is – – even in pain and suffering.

H=Humility. Only when we look at another as equals can we truly connect.

I=Integrity. Intention. Defining values most important to us.

J=Justice. Recognition that within each of us there lives a desire to see that right be done. Seek justice for the vulnerable, care of the weak, give to the poor.

K=Kindness. A concern for others as an active component of compassion.

L=Love. It is love that contains all virtues. It is love that holds our humanity.

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