Dayle's Community Café | 🌕


    September 19, 2021

    The full moon in Pisces is Monday, September 20th at 5:54 PM Mountain Daylight Time (MDT).

    Corn Moon

    Despite relationship irritations, dissatisfaction with work and home, or feeling overwhelmed with what is on your plate, this full moon is conducive to taking a positive and proactive attitude towards improving your story.

    Don’t allow your energy to be depleted by the mental struggle around your perceived burden of responsibility vs your own desires and needs. Make a conscious decision that creating a better story for yourself will benefit everyone in your life. And then do it.

    Take some time to observe from a neutral place where you need to make a change. There is most likely something on your plate that you can easily prune.

    This full moon is an excellent time to expand your inspiration of what is possible and to set some good intentions for attracting good luck, good news and good community. Practice optimism and generosity, and trust your intuition to let your emotions lead your intentions.

    -P O W E R  P A T H

    Posted by dayle at 3:40 pm
    Filed in: Café Communication
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