Dayle's Community Café | 2020 April 21


April 21, 2020

Neil from Kids Safety Resource asked that I share their information on Dayle’s Community Cafe to help encourage our kids’ well being during COVID. ~dayle


In these unprecedented times, we know that accurate information is vital. has published a resource about how to keep kids safe during the coronavirus outbreak. The resource includes:
  • Advice directly from a board-certified pediatrician, Dr. R. Allan Stanford MD, FAAP
  • When and how to take your kids to the doctor during this time
  • Health safety precautions to use at home for you and your kids
  • How to explain this pandemic to your kids
  • Advice for pregnant women

Doctors are taking great strides to make sure that your family and kids are healthy during the COVID-19 pandemic. We reached out to a pediatrician to find out what he’s telling his patients and what safety measures his office (and others) are taking to keep children and families safe and the risk of infection low.

“Spend time outdoors”…6 ft apart together.


New Moon

Wed., April 22

8:25 MDT

This new moon is a call to action. It is a call to set your priorities straight and to anchor and ground new intentions based on those priorities. It is an energetic stimulus to get off the couch, to organize your time, to move your body and to engage your imagination and positive thinking. This is not a call to be impatient, judgmental or irritated, looking for something to blame for your disappointed expectations. It is an opportunity to be proactive with your choices. Bless all inconvenience as an invitation for necessary change. This is a good time to work with the quantum field in setting some “what if” questions that will guide your future. It is also an excellent time to do something new and creative.

Those of you who can do so would benefit greatly in spending time outdoors and improving some small area of your garden or outdoor space by planting, weeding, and bringing beauty into your environment. Do this as an exercise to represent a part of yourself that you are improving by planting inspiration, weeding out the old that you are complete with, and bringing in something of beauty into your mental, emotional and physical environment. Appreciate and acknowledge the blooms you see surfacing in the environment around you as the blossoms of hope, fertility and abundance. Place the energy of those blossoms into your heart and breathe that energy in as often as possible. Remember that like attracts like. In this potent time, what do you wish to attract? Negativity, resistance, anger, disappointment, fear, lack, despair? Or love, hope, abundance, fertility, inspiration and beauty?


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