Dayle's Community Café | 2019 August 23

From Sarah Ivy Arters.

August 23, 2019

May our prayers and our altars come together to calm the spirits of the fire in the Amazon – Sacred Temple of mystery and native jungle, lung of mother earth, place of power, home of ancestral tribes!

May our songs call the sacred water of rain, which are heard by the guardians of this place!!

Let human beings open the heart, to wake up and not sleep, to honor mother earth with each of our acts and not allow this to happen more times. Let’s send love, strength and peace to the peoples, to the animals, to the ancient trees…

Let us know in every way possible to listen to us, we need to echo the order of so many indigenous peoples who have already been giving alarm signs on the atrocities that are committed in the name of development.

How many more places have to be devastated for the ” good of humanity “, for the ” well being ” misunderstood of societies? Shattered by the policies of incapable governments! Let’s ask our authorities to act in favor of life and not against it!!

Let us act to the extent of our possibilities!! from our prayer, from our altar, from our sacred matrices that give life..

Let us remember that we are one being… that we are the extension of mother earth and what happens in it, anywhere happens in our body!

Fr. Richard Rohr, Center for Action & Contemplation:

Nonviolence is the universal ethic at the heart of creation.



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