Wolf Moon

Howl. Go ahead.

January 14, 2022


Full Moon in Cancer is Monday, January 17 at 4:50PM Mountain Standard Time (MST)

Also known as the Wolf Moon, this full moon suggests a deeply emotional time giving opportunity for some serious emotional clearing of pent up frustrations, past disappointments, regrets, judgments and feelings about what has or has not happened. It is a good time to sort out the difference between your mental thoughts and judgments and the true nature of your emotional center and what it holds.

This year (2022) is an emotionally centered year and we see it anchored in this full moon. Since the theme of January is about values and what is important, this will also be highlighted during the full moon window.

Beware of self-judgment around what you should have paid more attention to or put more energy into. What is past is past. Clear the emotions around it and move on. This is also a good time to receive the higher emotional energies of gratitude, love, awe, beauty and inspiration. Do some self-care during this time that includes some higher-centered possibilities. Since Mercury is now retrograde, this is a time for more being rather than doing and a good time for reflection and study of where your true power comes from. What is important to you? What do you value? What do you love? What do you love to do and where do you love to be? And with whom?




Marianne Williamson:

Today I choose the light, and turn away from darkness. 

I know there is a force within that lures me toward the light, yet there is a competing force within me that would keep me bound to darkness. May the love of God cast out the fear that is lodged inside my consciousness, and deliver me to peace. May the light of love cast out all fear and darkness in my mind.


January 27, 2021

Power Path:

Full Moon in Leo is Thursday, January 28 at 12:18 PM Mountain Standard Time. (MST).

‘Also known as the “wolf moon”, this full moon is a perfect time to anchor your passion into something, someplace, and someone that you love. Consider the well being of the collective and community as they are up front and visible as you stretch your container to receive and give support. If you expect magic and miracles, you may just get them. There are many gifts to be had during this time.

Ask for clarity, courage, right action, a good path, loads of support and lots of deserving of the love of spirit.






‘Regardless of what time of the month it rises, January’s full moon is often called the Wolf Moon, as people may believe they hear wolves howling more often during this time of the year.

“It was traditionally thought that wolves howled due to hunger, but we now know that wolves use howls to define territory, locate pack members, reinforce social bonds and gather for hunting,” The Old Farmer’s Almanac explains.

The full moon will serve as a great reference point for stargazers trying to find Sirius, the brightest star in the sky.

Sirius will rise around the same time as the moon and will be visible in the same region of the sky, appearing below and off to the right of the Wolf Moon.

In addition to being known as the Dog Star, Sirius is sometimes referred to as the rainbow star because it appears to flicker with different colors as opposed to appearing as a steady white, according to EarthSky.

This colorful flickering is caused by Earth’s atmosphere, and not the actual star changing colors, and can be seen with the unaided eye on a cold, crisp night.’


January 2, 2021

The main theme for January is “Start Up”.

Power Path.

“We are in a new time, a new landscape, a new sun (according to Toltec wisdom), a new vibration and frequency, and completely new potential and opportunity for a whole new experience of life. This month we look at new containers, new support systems, new attitudes and beliefs, and new ways we can create a start-up for ourselves

A “start-up” is different than a re-start as it implies something brand new rather than re-starting something that is already existing. Instead of replacing just the battery in an old car and restarting it, we are actually in the market to buy a new car, an upgrade for the old one that no longer serves us well. We are stretching ourselves to be able to have this upgrade, to feel worthy of it and to trust that the resources will be there to support it.

The start-up this month is not unlike this analogy. We are in a completely different time with different energy and the potential for completely shifting everything. We need to release the old structures we have been re-starting over and over and allow ourselves to go to the next level and bring in something new and improved. This is scary and exciting at the same time. A start-up comes from a new idea, needs a new container and a new support system. It requires a new brand, new organization and a new set of intentions. And it requires a deep inner trust as you take the risk into something new. Even if you keep the details of your life much the same, it is important to infuse your daily routines with a change that allows for something different.

The most significant start-up will come from within. As we have entered into an artisan time of huge creativity, it will come with some chaos, a necessary side product of dissolving old structures. Sometimes you have to turn old things upside down to see your way through them to something new. This new sense of self and of how you perceive the world need to be seeded from the inside. We are shedding the skins of old personal and societal imprints, and stretching our wings in freedom to make choices from within about who we are, what we want, and whom we want to be with.

If you were to create a business start-up, you would first come up with a new idea. Then you would build a container around this idea and bring in the necessary support, your team of allies and experts to help you create the foundation and structure of your start up. The energy this month is not dissimilar to a business start-up except the start-up is related to your own life and your personal expression of it. The conscious co-creation of this start-up requires a balance between allowing inspiration, clarity and support to come to you, and proactively creating what you are clear about and wish to manifest. How do you build a good container for your start up? You make sure that you bring in all the elements that will support you in the best way possible.

The key to all of this is that the creativity comes from within, the inspiration comes from within, the desire comes from within, the clarity comes from within, and the intuition that you are on the right track comes from within. This is not to say that you cannot have confirmation from the outside. You will receive plenty of signs when you are on the right track. Pay attention to them and trust.

Adventure is one of the primary needs for this year and a supportive energy for taking any kind of a risk. Your personal start-up may feel like a risk. Look at it as an adventure as you navigate this new landscape. Even if you experience road blocks along the way, know that any change comes with a bit of chaos and destruction. If an old structure is dissolving, don’t resist its demise. Know that there is a new creation wanting to burst forth from the vacuum.

Full personal forecast at: thepowerpath.com

January 28: Full Moon in Leo is Thursday, January 28 at 12:18 PM Mountain Standard Time. (MST)… “Wolf Moon.”

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