Dayle's Community Café | Transpersonal Alchemy

Transpersonal Alchemy

Transpersonal Alchemy

January 18, 2018

2018 is an 11 year which means it’s less about our own ego needs and more about what is the best for the collective.  It is also a year of Justice so we can, and should, focus on balance. We need to balance our own needs with those of others. Balance between work and play will be a theme. And, perhaps Justice… in the cosmic sense… will help restore the balance that has been tipped way out of range this last year.

As the Moon increases in light, let your feelings surface, unjudged, to simply flow from you to the Youniverse. 
Remember, little acts of self care & nurturance become giants as our numbers grow. We Are healing the Divine Feminine through our be-ingness and She is in deep gratitude.


From Joyce/Skyfire:

“If you’re in need of a session, I am still taking appointments for Fridays through Sundays. Give me a call to book a time.


Be well. Stay safe. Be love!”

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