Dayle's Community Café | Team Internet

Team Internet

Join the team.

November 25, 2017

Until Congress passes legislation to make Net Neutrality permanent, we must join as a national collective to keep the town square of the 21st century democratic and assessable to all citizens. Remember, this fight effects all other fights, e.g. tax reform, health care, freedom of information.


Sign Up to Join #TeamInternet

The Trump administration and FCC Chairman Ajit Pai have joined forces with the biggest broadband providers to try to roll back our online rights. They want to destroy Net Neutrality — and we need to stop them.

We’re launching a bold plan to combine people power with technology to build an unstoppable volunteer grassroots network of Net Neutrality activists.

Together we’ll push back against threats to internet freedom.

Team Internet will be made up of people like you. We’ll provide you with insider campaign updates, access to organizers, connections to like-minded volunteers and the training and support to take your activism to the next level. Will you join #TeamInternet?

We see a future where we have the media and technology our communities want and need to answer hard questions, build collective power, and organize and advocate for the issues that matter. Together we can ensure the internet is a tool for our collective liberation.

We can win this fight. We have the facts, the law and the internet on our side — now we just need the right people to help make this plan a success.

The open internet is under attack, and we want you on the team to help protect it. Sign up to join #TeamInternet!

To join “Team Internet”, follow the link:

Here’s an easy to follow graph/flow chart to better understand the effects of Net Neutrality.

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