
A true renaissance man…and modern-day Forrest Gump.

December 30, 2020

John Perry Barlow, My Life in Crazy Times. Writing for Wired magazine, he traveled to Sarajevo to write about information and the Serbo-Croatian war in the early 90’s. He writes in his book:

“They wanted me to write about the relationship between information and the war and the way in which the mass media had created a hallucination that was destroying the ability of each side to see the other’s humanity.”

If he would have stayed well, what would he be writing now, about the United States of America.


“The truth is we come into the world from the other side, which is entirely made of love, where it’s all open and could not be more open, into this place of constriction and containment and closure and dogma and terror.”


“Love forgives everything.”

October 3, 1947- February 7, 2018

Barlow died right after he finished his memoir.

“In Cyberspace, the First Amendment is a local ordinance.”

Barlow was also a lyricist for The Grateful Dead.

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