
The Pope, Trump, The Refugee Crisis, and Change

October 17, 2015


The Power Path


“(There) are enormously complex questions and there are no simple answers. However the more we know about soul age and people’s needs at the different stages of development the better we can serve their needs and support good decision making that will provide for each in turn.

…we find ourselves in world where discoveries are being made fast and furiously to the degree that our entire view of history and what has happened on this planet is being called into question in a serious way. This is further undermining a sense of stability for so many people. Populations are shifting, political parties are unpredictable, economies are on the move, and technologies are changing our lives faster than at any time before.” 

The People’s Congress.

September 24, 2015


Here’s a link to listen, or read, the Pope’s full message to the the joint meeting of Congress this morning, Thursday, Sept. 24th.


The Pope and his American poet…

September 23, 2015

TIME Magazine

‘Pope Francis cited a Midwestern poet when urging U.S. bishops to welcome Hispanic immigrants into their churches Wednesday.

“I am a native of a land which is also vast, with great open ranges, a land which, like your own, received the faith from itinerant missionaries,” he said. “I too know how hard it is to sow the Gospel among people from different worlds, with hearts often hardened by the trials of a lengthy journey.” He then argued that they should rely on the “epic struggle of the pioneers and the homely wisdom and endurance of the settlers.”

“As one of your poets has put it, ‘strong and tireless wings’ combined with the wisdom of one who ‘knows the mountains,’” he added.

The poet in question is Edgar Lee Masters, from President Obama’s home state of Illinois. An attorney and author who lived in the first part of the 20th century, Masters published 21 books of poetry, but his Spoon River Anthology, published in 1915, is considered his masterpiece.


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