Number 22

Dayle in Limoux – Day #22

July 26, 2022

s a d n e s s 

Fully vaccinated and double boosted. The psychological effect of testing positive this morning is deep and unanticipated. I isolated for so long the last 2.5 years, no indoor activity, mask always in crowded outdoor spaces and inside, even if only :30. I wore it on my wrist in public spaces so I could be ready to don. No one is wearing masks here. No one. I know who infected me, the owner of my building who lives downstairs, and now she’s in the hospital in Carcarssonne. She was transported sometime after 1 am. She had underlying health issues and I thought her sickness solely emanated from that affliction. I told her not long after I arrived to be so careful, that she didn’t want Covid with her compromised breathing. She didn’t wear a mask and was not boosted. When I took her one of my tests yesterday, it registered immediately that she was positive, could barely talk at this point. Yet, she still procrastinated on medical treatment because she’s adverse to hospitals. We share a common space, although I think I contracted it before Rennes-le-Chateau when she found me sitting at a table in the outdoor space at Place de le Republique. She joined me, sitting close, and we shared an aperitif and some frites (fries). I think her viral load is very high and she most likely should have had treatment weeks ago.

My symptoms are mild (thanks be to science and vaccines), although my throat really hurts. I have congestion and a cough, too. No fever. In France, according to their protocols, I am to isolate for seven days, test, and then if negative, I can mingle again with a mask. I thought about Paxlovid, yet, I have no idea how to get it here. It’s prescription, so it would not be easy. And I’m not at high risk. I may just have to ride it out. I did find out France’s 911 is 112. So there’s that if things get a little scary.

Drinking lots of liquids. Lots. I had just stocked up, so I should be good to go for awhile. I’m just sad.

I had more I wanted to share, not really feeling up to it. Day 22. Isn’t 22 an auspicious number? Mary Magdalene’s Feast Day. “…it carries additional spiritual power, often seen as a sign of good luck or of positive things to come. If you keep seeing 22, it could be a message from your angels that they are helping you to manifest your dreams into reality.” k. I’ll just let that all unfold. :)

Be well.

Stay safe.


Bonne nuit.

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