Miscarriage Crime Scenes

Friday, May 6th, 2022

May 6, 2022


“I know that I say this all the time, but that’s only because it’s what gets me through the times when everything seems to be on fire.

No one is coming to save us

That’s why we have to save each other.”


Director of Cybersecurity EFF

[Electronic Frontier Foundation]

Go forth to what? To uncertainty,

to a country with no connections to us

and indifferent to the dramas of our life.

Is this the start of a new life?


“Great emergencies and crises show us how much greater our vital resources are than we had supposed.”

-William James

“Because modern man is in a state of uncertainty, we must not be too quick to think that what he




wants it absolute certainty at any price.”

-Thomas Merton



‘If the leaked [Alito] draft becomes law, court orders could arrive at tech firms seeking info about people searching for emergency contraception, or seen near a suspected abortion clinic.

Anyone who is pregnant and has a miscarriage might find prosecutors seeking their internet search or other data to determine whether a provider delivered illegal services.

Experts say it may be time to rethink period-tracking apps and to rely more on incognito mode in browsers, turning off location tracking and understanding your options for data deletion.’


‘What you can do: Experts say it may be time to rethink period-tracking apps and to rely more on incognito mode in browsers, turning off location tracking and understanding your options for data deletion.

The Digital Defense Fund has a detailed set of recommendations:

This page is organized into different security-related threats. You can jump to the ones that most concern you. Along with each scenario is a list of digital security tips to neutralize the threat.

These are possible concerns you might have.


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