

June 4, 2021


An act or utterance that backfires on its originator.

“People are culturally wired to want to reciprocate. That’s one of the things that make a community function–someone does something nice for you and you’re inclined to want to find a way to do something nice in return.

Along the way, that instinct has been turned into a selfish way to get what you want.

Find someone you need (or will need) something from, figure out a way to do them a ‘favor’ and then use the interaction to create the conditions where the other person feels obligated to help you in return.

First, no one likes to be hustled.

Second, your hustle is more transparent than you realize.

Third, people value things differently. The thing you thought was a big lift didn’t mean that much to the person you did it for, or the thing you’re hoping they’ll do in return is far more difficult than it appears to be from your perspective.

The alternative is to go through your day oblivious to the idea that reciprocity might be a thing that other people feel compelled to act on. Simply show up with good intent to do work that you’re proud of.

If we do this with consistency and care, sooner or later, it comes back around. Not because we hustled, but precisely because we didn’t.”

-Seth Godin

Karma. Same. Cruelty does not go unanswered. It may take centuries, or a moment of simple awareness…the hustle…and knowing in that instant, “I am done.”
J’ai fini. -dayle

“When your day is long,
And the night, the night is yours alone,
When you’re sure you’ve had enough of this life,
hang on…hang on. [R.E.M.]


May 22, 2020

Four things I know are true but have to remember to remember:

  1. santosha (the joy is there, I just have to scan for the good)
  2. impermanence (everything I love will someday disappear)
  3. karma (what I give is what I get)
  4. dukkah (suffering is wanting things to be different than they are)

-Abby Falik, Global Citizen Academy



The principle of causation.

January 7, 2019

Read in current political context.

Every act carries with it a sequence, bringing the result of this action back to the self. This is what is meant by Karma, for Karma means the fruit of action. 

Emerson called it the Law of Compensation.

Jesus proclaimed the same in his teaching that as we sow, so shall we reap.

Kwang-Tze tells us that he more we give to ohers the ore we have. 

Walt Whitman also refers to this when he says, “The gift is most to the giver and comes back most to him”

This all means the return of the self to itself. The great apostle did not tell us to forget the self; he merely told us to also remember everyone else.

We are to view ourselves each in the other and behold God in all.

-Ernest Holmes


Man is all ready to come a god, and instead he appears at times to be a zombie.

A temperamentally angry man may be more inclined to anger than another. But as long as he remains sane he is still free not to be angry. His inclination to anger is simply a force in his character which can be turned to good or evil, according to his desires. If he desires what is evil, his temper will become a weapon of evil against other men and even against his own soul. If he desire what is good, his temper can become the controlled instrument for fighting the vile that is in himself and thus helping other men to overcome the obstacles which they meet in the world. He remains free to desire either good or evil.

-Thomas Merton


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