Dayle's Community Café | Julie of Norwich

Julie of Norwich

Divine Love.

June 4, 2019

‘By myself I am noting at all, but in general, I AM the oneing of love. For it is in this oneing that the life all people exists.

Julian of Norwich, also known as Dame Julian or Mother Julian, was an English anchorite of the Middle Ages. She wrote the earliest surviving book in the English language to be written by a woman, Revelations of Divine Love.


Without a nature-based spirituality, a profane Universe.

Creation is the order of love.

We did not know where to look for the DiVine. So we built temples and shrines to capture and hold our domesticated and tamed God.

Each living thing reveals some aspect of God.

Poet Gregory Orr, A gentle reminder of our singular relationship with the Earth.

We can enter into a relationship that’s deep and reciprocal and sustaining, where we give to the place, and the place gives to us.


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