Dayle in Limoux – Day #79
September 22, 2022Fall Equinox
How is Septembre almost compléter.
‘The days they pass so quickly now…’
The light is changing in Limoux, lower on the horizon, the days shorter, the air at night cooler. Yet, the tiger mosquitos still leaving their mark. Pas bon. 🦟
New Moon ~ Equinox Update
The Equinox is September 22nd and the New Moon is September 25th.
In this month of crises and retrogrades, we have had an opportunity to go within and find resilience, stamina, wisdom, and inner strength through reflection and exploration of our inner self rather than focusing on the outer. The Equinox brings an invitation for endings and beginnings, and the new moon in Libra (Sunday the 25th) opens the field of simplicity, balance and greater intuition. There is lots of support during this new moon for seeing the bigger picture of your life with more clarity and vision.
Since the Equinox is a point of change, reflect on what you can leave behind that is not serving you in where you need to put your energy. Make some choices with your well being in mind and be willing to receive what that choice may bring you that is new and different.
The New Moon is an excellent time to strive for balance and to reset your intentions to align with an aspect of your life that is expanding. Think of your intentions as forms of thought and energy that will draw what you need towards you. Leave room for flexibility, creativity and some surprising gifts you never would have dreamed of. ~Lena
-Power Path
Bonne nuit.
December 30, 2019I regret nothing.
-Edith Piaf
“I’ve learned a great deal this year. I feel it has been productive and also enjoyable day to day. What a wonderful thought to live our lives with as few regrets as possible.
What kind of year did you have? How would you rate it? No matter how many challenges you’ve had, no matter what pain you’ve endured, did you do your very best? Then have no regrets.
-Alexandra Stoddard, Grace Notes
Happy New Year
December 29, 2017Ubuntu greeting, friends:
‘I am what I am because of who we all are’.
‘As night and day take turns on this massive Earth spinning nowhere, the song we share within takes turns with the catastrophes of living. When we go silent, the age goes dark.’
-Mark Nepo
“We all have traveled this same pathway of experience – – the journey of the soul to ‘the heights above’ – – and always there has been a deep inquiry in our minds: What is it all about? Does life make sense? What is the meaning of birth, human experience, and the final transition from this plane, which we call death?
With the Koran we must realize that the Divine is closer to us even than our physical being. Nothing can be nearer to us than which is the very essence of our own being.
Our external search after Reality culminates in the greatest of all possible discoveries – – Reality is at the center of our own being. Life is from within out.
We must no longer judge according to appearances, but rather, base our judgments on the assumption that the Gaia-Mind dwells within us proclaimed or reflects Itself through us into every act.
I shall speak this Reality into every experience I have.”
[Science of Mind]
Mind is Brahma; for from mind even are verily born these beings–by mind, when born, they live.
-The Upanishads
The Mind, then, is not separated off from God’s essentiality, but is united to it, as light to sun.
Nothing is at last sacred but the integrity of our own mind.
Grace filled transitions to you, to us all. Ubuntu.
- Abba
- Yahweh
- Baba
- Spirit of Life
- Giver of Life
- Breath of LIfe
- Muhammad
- Buddha
- Jesus
- Abraham
- Gaia
- Wakan Tanka
- Tara & Lakshmi
- Whispers
Shirley goodness and mercy will follow us all the days of our lives…
-Psalm 23:6
A year of service.
Full Moon is Monday, January 1st
Spend some good intentional time and using your emotions, intuition and imagination, set your dreams and desires for the coming year if you have not already done so. If you have, then spend a bit of time either expanding your imagination of what is possible or trying those dreams on energetically.
This is also a very good time to set specific intentions of how you wish and need to serve yourself in the coming weeks and months. This is a year of service and service needs to start with you personally. If you can’t serve yourself, you cannot be of support and service to others. This is a nurturing moon that will inspire you to clean your nest, do your laundry, and focus on how to make your home environment more supportive to you this year. Remember it does not all have to get done today, but you can still set concrete intentions of what you wish to see happen in the coming year.
-Power Path
‘Big energy.’
April 9, 2017Power Path
A full moon intensifies everything and this is especially true this month. It is up to you what gets intensified. Don’t indulge in the negative. Be proactive with your intentions and get fired up about something that inspires you. This is big energy we are dealing with these days. Mark this time of the full moon with some big intentions that you can start following up on with a grounded action plan.
Since it is just after midnight, tomorrow, April 10th, Monday is a good day to begin honoring and celebrating this moon.
The anchor of this time needs to be time out in nature, honoring both the higher emotional center with its beauty and inspiration, and the instinctive center with its link to vitality and raw energy.