Dayle's Community Café | Hunger Coalition

Hunger Coalition

Our Hunger Coalition

November 5, 2021

Blaine County, Idaho

While hunger and housing crises have plagued our community for decades, we’ve reached a breaking pointIf we don’t make some big decisions in support of working folks, everything we love about our community will be lost. 

Recently, we participated in a 50 year vision exercise facilitated by our friend Estefania Mondragon, executive director of PODER of Idaho. Together, our team envisioned what a healthy community will look like decades from now.

Predictably, we envisioned a place with farm-fresh food everywhere.  A place where edible gardens and forests grow from every inch of free dirt. We looked to the power of our relationships and dreamed of youth and elders taking care of one another and neighbors sharing meals with abandon. Nice, right?

But there was more to it than that. When we dreamed of the future, working people had somewhere to live, somewhere safe to raise their children; they had medical care, childcare, education, and fair wages. Hunger was something kids learned about in history books. 

Then things got harder. Estefania challenged us to name the changes we need to make today to fulfill this vision in fifty years. We are building a plan of action from these very things.

As we draft this plan, there are actions we can all take today to pave the way.

There are a million little things we can each do in the name of progress. Jump over to social media, share your own 50 year vision, and tell all your friends how you are making a difference today. Onward.

In Gratitude,

The Hunger Coalition Team


Hunger Coalition Thanksgiving Baskets

November 4, 2015


If you, your family,or someone in your community needs assistance this Thanksgiving holiday, please contact the Hunger Coalition, St. Luke’s Center for Community Health, or the Advocates.

For more information call 788-0121.

Thanksgiving Baskets will be shared at the Community Campus on Monday, Nov. 23, from 4-6 pm.

If you’d like to donate, visit the website at:

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