Dayle's Community Café | Holy Week

Holy Week


March 31, 2021

7th Generation Principle

The Seventh Generation takes its name from the Great Law of the Haudenosaunee, the founding document of the Iroquois Confederacy, the oldest living participatory democracy on Earth. It is based on an ancient Iroquois philosophy that:

“In our every deliberation, we must consider the impact of our decisions on the next seven generations.”


On either side of the river is the tree of life…and the leaves of the tree are for healing of the nations. Nothing accursed will be found there any more.- Revelation 22:2-3

  • Community

  • Ancestors

  • Gaia

Passover & Holy Week

April 8, 2020

Pope Francis:

“Let us pray for people who –during this time of pandemic– trade at the expense of the needy and profit from the needs of others.”

Jewish leaders are rewriting the Haggadah, the sacred text used during Passover, “drawing parallels between the Israelites’ captivity and our own quarantine,” reports  The (San Jose) Mercury News.

“It is the ultimate story of freedom, filled with plagues and blessings to repair the world — and right now, perhaps for the first time, we truly get it.

Rabbi Noam Marans, director of interreligious relations at the American Jewish Committee, told AP: “‘This year we are enslaved — next year we will be free.’ That aspiration is very real this year.”

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