Dayle's Community Café | Hate Speech

Hate Speech

Our voices were heard.

February 6, 2019

Good news:

Yesterday [2.5.19], Facebook removed 22 pages connected to hateful conspiracy theorist Alex Jones and his fringe right-wing website InfoWars.

Thank you for signing our petition calling on Facebook to do just that.

This is a win for all of us working to end online hate-speech! Thank you for your help in making this happen.

In addition to our work to hold social-media platforms accountable for protecting users from online hate, we at Free Press are also working to hold mainstream media to a higher standard.

We need a free press. We also need a press that doesn’t replicate the racist and xenophobic stereotypes about communities of color and immigrants that make up the DT administration’s talking points. We need journalism that calls racism what it is, disavows White nationalism and empowers the voices of journalists and editors of color as well as the communities being reported on.

Thanks for all that you do.

The Free Press team

“Facebook Removes 22 More Pages Connected to Conspiracy Theorist Alex Jones and InfoWars,” CNN, Feb. 5, 2019.

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