Dayle's Community Café | Hailey dance Grange

Hailey dance Grange

Contra Dance in Hailey

April 11, 2015


Tonight in Hailey

Saturday, April 11th, 2015 starting at 7:00 PM and ending at 9:00

Grange Hall

“Strings Attached” will be back to play for our dancing feet. The string band from Twin Falls will be on stage with their contra-dance caller David Quinley. Contra dance is a lively type of folk dance involving social interaction between a long line of dancers. It is an activity for all ages and no partner is necessary. Beginners are welcome as all the steps will be taught. First and foremost, the event is about people and community. It is about meeting new friends, socializing, dancing and having an enjoyable experience together! An optional pre-dance potluck starts at 5:30 pm. Tickets are on sale at the Wood River Sustainability Center in Hailey, the Bellevue General Store in Bellevue and at Nourish Me in Ketchum.

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