Dayle's Community Café | Earthquake prayers and meditation

Earthquake prayers and meditation

Connecting through meditation and prayer…

April 27, 2015


The Power Path

Tonight, Monday, April 27th, 2015

6-6:30 PM (MST)


The recent devastating Earthquake and continuing aftershocks in Nepal and Everest region has killed thousands of people and injured scores more. In addition it has ungrounded hundreds of thousands of people that are severely affected by the quake aftermath. Many have lost family members, friends, neighbors and perhaps their own homes and businesses. In other words the event is a major “susto,” a trauma of huge proportions. Not only has the earthquake traumatized local residents but it has had an impact on people all over the world. As in many earthquakes of this size and force, there may be another earthquake on the other side of one of the tectonic plates. 

When an event like this takes place many people often feel helpless and wonder what they can do to help. We suggest there is much that can be done on an energetic level to help. Using basic shamanic techniques we can support those whose lives have been so seriously disrupted. We are not suggesting that this is a substitute for much needed food and survival materials but adjunctive to help calm the survivors and everyone affected by this event.

Tonight between 6PM and 6:30PM Mountain Daylight US Time (12:00 midnight Greenwich mean time) we will be conducting a short ceremony in our medicine wheel for all the people who need some support right now. We welcome all of you who can, wherever you happen to be or live, to join us for the whole or a part of this time to focus on that region of the world and visualize a huge grounding cord like an anchor underneath the Himalayas and surrounding regions steadying the region and bringing back stability. With love and compassion visualize calm returning to the region and people resuming productive and effective activities to rebuild their lives. In addition we will be focusing on giving those souls who have taken this time to pass on, freedom and light to help in their transition. In the process you can also reset your own grounding as events like these always create a shift.

If you have a drum, you can drum along, if you have a rattle, use the rattle. You can also light a candle, some sage or just simply pray.

As devastating as these natural events are, they are also a part of the larger architecture of global change. It is not easy or necessary to understand them fully, but helpful to accept them and to do what we can to move towards balance and healing.

Jose and Lena



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