Dayle's Community Café | Buddha Fraternities and Sororities

Buddha Fraternities and Sororities

Buddha Goes Greek.

September 28, 2015


From NPR

‘A group at San Diego State University says they’re trying to strike a balance by starting a Buddhist fraternity and sorority.

The idea for the Buddhist houses wasn’t surprising to the school’s Interfraternity Council.

“It’s kind of in line with things — Greek organizations are usually values-based,” says council president Blake King, and he’s eager to see the idea become reality. “You intermingle them, it provides an overall benefit, kind of a better-than-a-sum-of-our-parts type of deal.

But while there have been Buddhist dorms at schools like Wesleyan University in Connecticut, San Diego State will have the first official Buddhist Greek organizations in the nation.

San Diego State senior Matt Sheldon says he wanted something more than a Buddhist club, which might wane as students graduated or lost interest. He wanted “a brotherhood based on, like, ideals and based on practices that are constructive,” he says.’

Delta Beta Tau (Fraternity)


Delta Beta Theta (Sorority)

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