Dayle's Community Café | Breaking News/Vaccine Edition

Breaking News/Vaccine Edition

Vaccines, Journalism’s Implicit Bias & Good News

April 18, 2021

Madison, Wisconsin

Posted on twitter, Sunday, April 18th:

Marty Makary MD, MPH
‘The Israeli and UK experience show that once the population is 2-3 wks out after 50% of adults are vaccinated (something the U.S. hit this wknd), then you get strong suppression of the infection.’ @MartyMakary
Vinay Prasad MD MPH
‘Very good news.’ @VPrasadMDMPH
“…science is a process that never ends.”
“…find a voice to help you through the weeds, or walk away.”
“…we have this implicit bias in journalism toward what’s new and not what’s true.”Important segment this week from On The Media about the J&J pause, science, and how it’s reported. It speaks to media literacy, as well as to the sensationalism of the news. -dayle
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