Dayle's Community Café | April


Power Path ~ April

April 3, 2017

The theme for April: INTENSITY!

It is a month of higher highs and lower lows. You can expect intense emotional mood swings, lots of weeping, incredible chaos that you think you can’t handle, and then amazing synchronicity where everything falls into place. There will be bursts of energy as well as unexpected times of deep fatigue where you can’t get out of bed. You may on one day experience overwhelming inspiration, incredible clarity, courage and determination; and on another, debilitating despair, deep confusion, and paralyzing fear.

Everything is intensified this month. Nothing escapes. If you are grieving it will be at a level you have never experienced. If you are ecstatic, it will be almost more than you can handle. The higher emotional center is paired with the instinctive center this month in an interesting relationship whose purpose is to stretch you like a rubber band, expanding your container to eventually be more, do more, receive more, understand more and experience more. The ultimate goal is to break through the membrane of our limited beliefs about how this universe works and what we are actually capable of creating. So that is the reference point we need to hold out there as a carrot for ourselves when things get tough this month.

April is full of growing pains. We are in the process of replacing the fabric and patterns of how we operate in this physical universe with a new matrix and energetic circuitry much like replacing a light fixture that was only able to handle 100 watts to one that can handle 1000. And then replacing the bulb from 100 watts to 1000 watts. Imagine the intensity of light from that sudden change!

[full forecast:]

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