Dayle's Community Café | Adjustment


Power Path ☆

September 4, 2017

[photo: Nils Ribi]

September 6: Full Moon is Wednesday, September 6 at 1:03AM Mountain Daylight Time (MDT). You can also honor this moon the night of the 5th. The full moon marks a time of intensity. They say that you should always face your opponent, your fear, your challenge head on without cowering or showing fear. Not that this full moon is anything to fear, however it does mark a time of big energy that can be quite emotional.

We recommend that you use this moon to acknowledge courage, expansion, showing up and your own power and ability to change, adjust and be more. Use this full moon to energize your physical, emotional and spiritual self. Gather some chi from nature, from the sun, from the earth, the sky realm and all the unseen powers and allies around you. If you feel overwhelmed by the enormity, just acknowledge, accept and be OK with it. You’ll get used to it. It is like being sore after exercising a muscle that has not yet been used. If you continue, the discomfort will pass and you will be stronger for it.

The fallout from the eclipse is being well worked. […] There is no going back to “business as usual” nor would you want to. It is best to be as proactive as possible during this time and really work at adjusting yourself and your universe to a new frequency and higher vibration. Not everyone will be capable of this. Get support if you need it, don’t take things personally and stay out of other people’s drama as much as possible. Watch for accidents, pay attention and be present.

Power Path/September

September 1, 2017

The main these for September is ADJUSTMENT.

We are now navigating the debris kicked up by events that triggered the RESET of August. We know something is different, and we know things should be different. We feel somehow different and some of us are manifesting big changes, but we cannot fully embrace the reality of it until we adjust on all levels, assimilating and integrating as we go.

So, this is the period of great ADJUSTMENT.

There is a new energy inside each one of us whether it is tangible at this point or not. This new energy requires that your environment, whatever that may be, adjust itself to you in a new way. This could mean a sudden move, a radical change in work, an upgrade in your home, vehicle or electronics or a change in your relationships including one with self. You may feel an overwhelming desire to clean out, move things around, get rid of the old, bring in the new get different support, make new friends, and generally upgrade your personal environment to reflect a new vibration and new intentions. When the adjustment is self-driven, it is exciting and inspiring even if it may be overwhelming at times.

What isn’t so exciting is the adjustment you personally may have to make to what has changed in your environment that is not consciously your choice. For example, if you find a change has been thrust upon you such as in work or relationship, you can either wallow in martyrdom and see yourself as a victim, or you can be neutral and embrace it as a necessary situation that will ultimately support you in the direction you need to go.

The main thing is to see all that is happening as a positive step in the direction of change. Whether you are informing the environment around you to adjust to the “new you”, or you are struggling to adjust to what is happening around you, the best attitude will be one of acceptance, patience, neutrality and trust. You will have days when you don’t know your bottom from your top, days of frustration with yourself and others, days when you are so inspired you can hardly contain the excitement, days when you feel overwhelmed, and days when you see inspiring glimpses of this new direction we are all going in.

Think of ADJUSTMENT in terms of your body. If you are not aligned correctly, you don’t function so well. You go to the chiropractor and get straightened out so the energy can flow again. In times of great change, there is always a period of feeling out of sorts, where some parts have made the change and others are being resistant or trying to catch up. This can result in feeling not quite “all there”, a little spaced out with a sense of not being able to hold onto any thought for too long. Instead of resisting this, take the time just to be in this container of adjustment. It is not always about doing. Sometimes rest is the prescription we need.

The most important thing is to be in acceptance of what is and of what is showing up.  There is a big picture at work here and we have not yet been able to see or experience fully the outcome of what we are currently creating for ourselves. We need to recognize this as a collective co-creation and take what comes. We also need to embrace the adjustment necessary in this process. The sun and the earth are at a new vibration, adjusting to each other, and since all of life is informed by those two energies, there is a need to adjust ourselves to this new vibration as fully as we can.

[ full forecast @ ]

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