Dayle's Community Café | 9/11 in Music

9/11 in Music

Sorrow in Song

September 11, 2017

DJ Sessions: Remembering 9/11 Through Music

Rita Houston was unable to get to work on Sept. 11, 2001. Blocked by the chaos surrounding the World Trade Center towers in New York, she stayed at home and called into WFUV, where she is a DJ. On that day and in the weeks to follow, listeners made repeated requests for songs that brought them comfort and reminded them of the character of New York.

Here & Now‘s Jeremy Hobson talks about those songs with Houston, now host of the show “The Whole Wide World” and program director at WFUV, which is based in the Bronx at Fordham University.

Ryan Adams, “New York, New York”

Dar Williams, “Better Things”

Paul Simon, “Was a Sunny Day”

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