‘For never was a horror experienced without an angel stepping in from the opposite direction to witness it with me.’
This is an incredible time where the opportunity to bring in miracles and magic is strong.
Power comes from spirit and your essence and is fed and supported by the elements and energies more powerful than you such as the sun, the earth, nature, the stars, your imagination etc. You can be empowered or allow yourself to be disempowered through a trauma, karma or lessons, but another person cannot truly give or take away your power as they cannot ever truly give you any.
We have a tremendous opportunity to move through this and access the amazing landscape of love.
-Power Path
Krista Tippett reflecting on her time with poet and Pulitzer Prize winner Mary Oliver.
Life had moved forward, as it does. It was now composed of ingredients, as it always is, that neither she nor I would have been able to imagine.
‘We’re in yet another moment in the life of the world where we might unsee the beauty or imagine it overshadowed, defeated, or simply less powerful than what would steal it from us, blot it out. What a gift to re-summon Mary Oliver’s presence for this time. I hope you feel that, too.”
From Global Citizen
APRIL 8TH, 2022
Center for Action & Contemplation
‘Our fears offer us an invitation to engage with the discomfort of the inner places. Will you give your fear a chance to speak to you?
Ask, What is this trying to show me? or What else might be going on? Give yourself some time, and delve into the fear.’
And it’s exhausting. Catastrophe fatigue sets in, and we end up losing interest and drifting away, until the next emergency arrives.
Catastrophization ends up distracting us from the long-term systemic work we signed up to do. It’s a signal that we care about what’s happening right now, but it also keeps us from focusing on what’s going to happen soon.
The best way to care is to persist in bending the culture and our systems to improve things over time.
-Seth Godin
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