Power Path

    November 5, 2021


    We feel pressured from the inside and pressured from the outside. The themes of Release and Reinvent are not finished with us and now we have the added pressure to show up, make those hard choices and follow through with our commitments. We could also say this month is full of tension. Under pressure, the container either expands or the pressure deflates.

    This month, show what we stand for and what we are made of, and aligning with right timing. The pressure will increase if you personally are not aligned with where you are, what you are doing, and whom with. And if you have not yet released an old emotional attachment, the pressure will build to do so to the point where you won’t have a choice. If that should happen, acknowledge, release and move on. You don’t want to be wallowing in emotional debris and getting stuck in a cycle of martyrdom or you will miss the opportunity to use this very potent energy to move yourself forward.

    A little tension is helpful. Think of a deadline. Some people work best under deadlines as deadlines give a structure to the task or project. We are, in a way, under an energetic deadline to change the way we think, view reality, and understand how to create the next step. This is both an individual task as well as a collective one. Amid the chaos and confusion of where and how to go next, our focus needs to be one of paying attention to the balance of pressure. Are we on the right track? Are we being supported in our progress and new vision?

    There is need for a strong discipline this month to keep out of denial, lethargy, depression, and a negative attitude of blame and resentment. Use your will and daily practice to stay in gratitude and appreciation for what you have at the moment while at the same time not losing sight of your future vision. Having a vision for your personal future is extremely important as it will give meaning and purpose to any challenge or struggle you are experiencing as you move forward under pressure.
    Tension is an energy that causes things to happen. Under tension, the fabric of your container can break, snap, fracture, rip or disintegrate. This month could be challenging for the physical structures you live with. Anything fixed or hard is subject to pressure. Bones, teeth, plumbing, vehicles, and anything breakable is vulnerable. Pay attention and be as present as possible in monitoring your own inner and outer pressure.

    Deflating the pressure you feel within to a more comfortable place of balance requires finding the root of it. Often it is impatience around something you have decided to move forward with that is not happening in the timing you anticipated. Another source may be a choice or action you have procrastinated or the frustration of not being able to see clearly what is ahead of you. Internal pressure can also be related to the battle between the choices others are pressuring you to make as opposed to the choices you wish to make that are more aligned with your heart. Once you have identified the pressure, use your will to recommit to the choice that is right and then give yourself the gift of trusting in right timing and receiving the support you need to make it happen.

    Working with pressure from the outside also requires the discipline of your will and attention. Identify what the pressure is. Is it personal to you or is it collective? Certainly we are experiencing a great deal of pressure around collective issues such as global warming, human rights, violence, justice, inequality, conservation and a variety of other polarized issues. The trigger often leads us to a more personal pressure within our relationships, community, work or personal environment.

    There are two ways to balance external pressure. Setting boundaries around the influence of others especially if you are being pressured to consider something that is not aligned with you is a way to stay in your own lane and keep others in theirs. Allowing your container to stretch to accommodate a pressure that is actually leading you in the right direction will relieve the pressure and support you in moving forward. An example would be losing the lease on your office space pressuring you to find another one in a time period that causes discomfort and stress. This pressure forces you to expand your vision of what is possible and to create and manifest an office space that is nicer, bigger and better suited to your vision. This example could also be a pressure from within to make this change. Whether from within or from outside, the pressure creates an opportunity for positive change.

    If the pressures of the month are causing you to become negative, irritable, impatient and hard to live with, a sure path to feeling better is to move into gratitude and appreciation for what you have. We are so imprinted to focus our attention on what is lacking, what is next, what is more, what is better, whcat is the next step, and how we can improve, that we are not in the present and appreciating what we have right now in the moment. Think of something that gives you joy and that you love. Appreciate the little things that give you daily comfort. Acknowledge what is working. Be in gratitude for your support. And have gratitude for yourself as a creative, adaptable multi-dimensional being that is capable of so much more than your mind can possibly understand or define.

    We are learning about creativity and manifesting in a crash course about how to use energy in a practical way. This will be an ongoing theme as we adjust and adapt to a new relationship with time, space, the void, and the quantum field. Meanwhile, stretch your imagination, balance the pressure, and seize any opportunity tension provides for change. Evolution only goes in one direction even if it sometimes feels like we are sliding back. Stay positive, on the right track, and trust your support.






    Posted by dayle at 3:21 pm
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