Dayle's Community Café | 2021 November 07

Liberation & Love

November 7, 2021

If liberation is collective, we need way more work…and awareness.

Image: The Camino de Santiago de Compostela…along the Way.

Those of us who live in privilege due to wealth or ethnicity may not understand interdependence with the collective, with all species, and other. Listen.

Compassion refers to the arising in the heart of the desire to relieve the suffering of all beings. […] It arises from a desire created by the collective suffering of all beings.

-Ram Dass

Where we have withheld love, we have had to learn to extend love. But if this doesn’t not carry over into the rest of our relationships, nothing of any lasting value will have been gained. 

-Rolf Gates

Should you be mistaken, then slowly and with time the natural growth of your inner life will bring you to fuller awareness.


This call to love our neighbor is the foundation for reestablishing and reclaiming the common good, which has fallen into cultural and political—and even religious—neglect.

-Jim Wallis

The zeitgeist of this moment is not so much about the brilliance of any one individual, though certainly our times do not lack for geniuses. It’s more about the strength and power of the group and the genius that emerges from our collective wisdom. This isn’t an age of the soloist but an age of the choir. Soloists have their part to play, yes, but the song belongs to the choir itself.

And we will endure, rise up and triumph too. Somehow we will find a way to make the world a better place. We will repair the earth and learn how to tend to it lovingly. We will put down our arms and find a way to make peace. We will heal ourselves, and heal the earth, and heal each other. We will learn how to live in another kind of way.

-Marianne Williamson

May the Beloved use me today.

Love will save the world, but only if we express it. May everything I do today be an expression of God‘s love.

May I be a channel for love today, co-creating with God a more perfect world. With every thought of love, I create a miracle. And every time I withhold love, I deflect one. Today may I only love.

Dear God,
Use my hands and feet,
My words and actions today.
Use who I am and what I do
To help You heal the world.

May our Beloved use me today.

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