November 6, 2021
‘Earth, isn’t this what you want: an invisible arising in us … what is your urgent command, if not transformation?’ -Rilke, Ninth Duino Elegy
For centuries we have been content to patch up holes temporarily (making ourselves feel benevolent) while in fact maintaining the institutional structures that created the holes to begin with (disempowering those on the margins). Now it has caught up with us. —Fr Richard Rohr, Center for Action & Contemplation
The cosmic common good provides a larger moral perspective, but it also exhorts us to “sink our roots deeper” into our native place and to work for the good of our place on Earth. —Daniel Scheid, theologian
Washington Post
“The bipartisan measure to improve the nation’s roads, bridges, ports and broadband connections won passage after liberals allowed the vote. The package, crafted by Democrats and Republicans, fulfills a major campaign promise for President Biden. It cleared the Senate on a bipartisan basis in August.”
The infrastructure plan costs $1.2 trillion over eight years, with $550 billion in new spending:
- $110 billion for roads, bridges and other infrastructure fix-ups. Of that, $40 billion is new funding for bridge repair, replacement and rehab.
- $73 billion for electric grid and power structures.
- $66 billion for rail.
- $65 billion for broadband.
- $55 billion for water infrastructure.
- $21 billion for environmental remediation.
- $47 billion for flooding and coastal resiliency, as well as “climate resiliency,” including protections against fires.
- $39 billion to modernize transit — the largest federal investment in public transit in history, according to the White House.
- $7.5 billion for electric vehicles and EV charging … $2.5 billion for zero-emission buses … $2.5 billion for low-emission buses … $2.5 billion for ferries.