Dayle's Community Café | 2021 June 01

June. ❁

June 1, 2021

Power Path

by Lena Stevens

The main theme for June is “SHAKE UP”.

We are in a destabilized time of mental confusion, frustrations around what no longer works, and tremendous opportunities to approach our lives in a new way. Post last month’s powerful full moon and eclipse, we are also in a learning and integration period where we must look back to see and acknowledge what we have left behind that is no longer available to us. Do so with gratitude and faith. No regrets. We have crossed the bridge and there is no going back.

This month there is internal shake up and external shake up. Internal shakeup is the shakeup of belief systems, your life as you once knew it, identity shifts, emotional challenges of dealing with confusion, change, doubt and trust. External shake up includes literal earth shaking, as in earth quakes and other environmental intensities, unexpected political decisions affecting greater communities and even countries, sudden losses, sudden gains, spontaneous opportunities, some doors closing, some doors opening, and the effects of other people’s decisions and changes on your life as you know it.

The internal shake up requires you pay attention to your own truth and what is important as you adjust and adapt to a new landscape. The external shake up requires patience, understanding, resilience, community efforts and trusting in right timing. There is an aspect this month of cooperation, sharing with others and collaboration that is key to starting the rebuild of a new foundation for our collective future.

You will feel the need to find balance between personal alone time to integrate your own process, and community time to inspire each other with the possibilities and opportunities for growth and advancement. It is a great time of learning together and coming up with new ways of righting social injustice without going into great conflict and strife. Watch the tendency in yourself and in others for blame, righteousness, and the seduction of violence and revenge, especially in the first week of this month. Until the new moon on the 9th, we are in a volatile and potent window between 2 eclipses. This is energy that should be used wisely to jump start a creative project instead of engaging in hate, war and conflict.

The best advice for this month is to stay out of resistance to the process as well as any outcome. If you are holding on to an expectation about how things will turn out, it is best to release that attachment so you can take advantage of what is coming available in the opportunities you may not yet be aware of.

If you can stay neutral and out of resistance, you will become more resilient and adaptable to what is already happening. Change is here. Get with the program or get left behind.

As we approach the solstice and the latter part of the month, we shift our focus to family, home, love, beauty, ease, support and what nurtures us.

Take a deep breath of vitality and goodness and blow out all the stress of the past with a deep commitment to enjoy your life no matter what.

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