Dayle's Community Café | 2021 March 19


March 19, 2021

The Spring Equinox is Saturday, March 20th, at 3:37 AM MDT. 


This is the time when daytime and nighttime are equal all over the world. It also represents an equal balance between the sun and the moon, the masculine and the feminine. We are shifting from Pisces and landing on this equinox in the sign of Aries.


The equinox offers an opportunity to release the old and bring in the new with an emphasis on balance. This is a time of initiating a new self, a new expression and a new experience. What do you want your life to feel like? What is out of balance and needs to be trimmed? Are you in balance with your doing and your being, giving and receiving?

Do some work especially on Friday evening right before the Equinox to identify what is out of balance in your life. Write it or draw it, then burn or bury it with offerings of tobacco or sage or incense. Then take some time to express what you want and how you wish to feel with your life in balance. You can write these intentions down, share them with others, put them on your altar or somewhere you can be reminded of them daily.

This is a potent equinox as we are imprinting how we wish this new cycle to manifest.

Do your part, for yourself and for the planet. How do you want to feel when you read the news every morning?

This is not about the physical things and structures you think need to change, but more about shifting the emotional foundation from which we out-picture our reality.



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