Dayle's Community Café | 2020 December 31

A new journey around the sun.

December 31, 2020

As we leave a reckless and tragic year, I wish you for you all three, Love, Strength, & Courage.

May all beings be happy.

May all beings be free.

May all beings be healthy and well, realizing potential and possibility.


On this final night of 2020, may our hours be deep, meaningful, quiet, and tender (Seane Corn).







What does it look like?

What does it feel like?

“I know that deep within each person the Divine Paternities of perfect peace is already implanted. I now declare that in each person and in leaders of thought everywhere this Divine Pattern moves into action and form to the end that all nations and all people will live together in peace, harmony, and prosperity forever.”

-Ernest Holmes

“As far back as we can remember, people of the oldest tribes, unencumbered by civilization, have been rejoicing in being on earth together. Not only can we do this for each other, it is essential. For as stars need open space to be seen, as waves need shore to crest, as dew needs grass to soak into, our vitality depends on how we exclaim and rejoice, “I see you!” I am here!”

-Mark Nepo


“Midnight on New Year’s Eve is a unique kind of magic where, just for a momet, the past and the future exist at once in the present. Whether we’re aware of it or not, as we countdown together to it, we’re sharing the burden of our history and committing to the promise of tomorrow.”

-Hillary DePiano

The year brought lessons, challenges and opportunities to grow in unanticipated ways. Good or bad, devastating or productive, we navigated our way through the challenges, surprises and revelations that came out way. We dealt with circumstances the best way we knew how. We are here today, poised and centered, ready to leave the year behind and move into newness, fresh ways of living and greater connection to ourselves, each other and the Divine.

-Rev. Dr. Edward Viljoen

And from Marianne Williamson on this New Year’s Eve 2020:

Life was very difficult for people this year, in our country and around the world. It was hard to avoid the painful emotions that accompany rampant illness, economic challenges and the stress of quarantine. Yet even there, in the depths of our collective pain, lay the seeds of awakening that will help us navigate the year ahead.

One of my favorite quotes is from the Greek tragedian Aeschylus: “Even in our sleep, pain which cannot forgetfalls drop by drop upon the heart until, in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom through the awful grace of God.”

That quote has taken me through many dark hours in my own life. They remind me that wisdom is what will rescue me, as well as reward me, for my efforts to grow into a better person from things I’ve been through. It’s my desire – surely it’s all of our desire – that we grow wiser from what we all went through in 2020.

Do I have a positive feeling about 2021? Yes I do, but not because I think it’s going to be a year without its challenges. I have a positive feeling about it despite what I expect to be its challenges. I have a positive feeling because I think so many of us have matured, grown more reflective, and grown wiser in 2020.

That’s my hope for you and for all of us as this year draws to a close. May we find it within our hearts to forgive the past, be open to infinite possibilities in the present, and embrace the future with love. Let’s not take with us into the New Year any bitterness or lack of kindness towards ourselves or others; that way miracles will flow naturally from our open hearts.

The world will need us to be everything that we can be next year, and I share with you my conviction that we will be. In the hours remaining before midnight, may we find a way to lay down our grievances. And as the clock strikes midnight, may peace be upon you and may love in all ways prevail.

With deepest wishes for your happiness,


The final Sun Valley sunset in 2020.

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