Dayle's Community Café | 2020 December 02

Peninsula College

December 2, 2020

Would love to have you join us! ~dayle

Public Speaking Workshop

Discover skills you already have in this two-day introductory course to Professional Public Speaking.

About this Event

Meets: Monday and Wednesday

Dates: January 13 and January 15

Format: Zoom Classroom

Instructor: Dayle Ohlau

“According to most studies, people’s number one fear is public speaking. Number two is death. This means to the average person, if you go to a funeral, you’re better off in the casket than doing the eulogy.” – Comedian Jerry Seinfeld

Professional public speaking is not a death wish! We’re going to keep you out of the box and brighten the skills you didn’t even know you already have in this two-day introductory course to Professional Public Speaking.

Research indicates that oral communication skills are the number one factor in employment success, beyond self-motivation, problem-solving, decision-making, and leadership skills. This class will help you strengthen your ability to communicate effectively in a professional environment. The instructor, Dayle Ohlau, has taught various college-level communication classes and formerly hosted and produced radio programs in southern California, as well as a CBS-TV news program in Northern Michigan. For this course she will focus on verbal, non-verbal, and listening communication skills with an emphasis on interpersonal and small-group dynamics.

Required: Computer with a microphone and the ability to download the zoom add-on to a PC, tablet, or phone.

[A full class will be offered in February.]

Instructor Biography:

Dayle Ohlau is a native of San Diego, California, living in Sun Valley, Idaho for the past 20 years. She is an adjunct professor in communications and public speaking with a 37-year background in radio and TV broadcasting. Dayle majored in communications at DePauw University in Indiana, and human behavior for her Master’s Degree in San Diego. She is currently working on her PhD with the California Institution of Integral Studies in San Francisco.

To register, follow the link:

Peninsula College is a public community college in Port Angeles, Washington, on the Olympic Peninsula. It serves Clallam and Jefferson Counties and extends from the Pacific Ocean at Neah Bay to Brinnon on Hood Canal. It was founded in 1961 by a group of local citizens.

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