Dayle's Community Café | Universally shared.

Universally shared.

    November 23, 2020




    Fr Richard Rohr, Center for Action and Contemplation:

    Order becomes opportunity, stability melts into movement and change, status-quo government gives way to a revolution of community and neighborliness, policy bows to love, domination descends to service and sacrifice, control morphs into influence and inspiration, and vengeance and threats are transformed into forgiveness and blessing.

    Contemplation: a long loving look at the real.

    Smart, generous and kind.

    The Ngram tracks words used in books over the last 200 years. Here’s what a million authors and a billion readers think:



    This is the Inuit word for “sitting together in the darkness, quietly, waiting for something creative or important to occur.”

    Of course, this works.


    Bryan Stevenson, Equal Justice Initiative:

    ‘We may not each be called to the same work in the same ways, but we share the responsibility to repair the conscience of our nation, to stand up and stand in the gap for those who have lost hope, lost their way, lost their voice.’

    Science of Mind Magazine named Stevenson their Spiritual Hero of the Year for 2020.

    In an adapted excerpt from Rohr’s A Spring Within Us, Father Richard Rohr says that mystic “simply means one who has moved from mere belief systems or belonging systems to actual inner experience. All spiritual traditions at their mature levels agree that such a movement is possible, desirable, and even available to everyone.”

    “A mystic is an ordinary person who does ordinary things and experiences these moments of profound union with The Source, Mirabai Starr says.

    Another sign you may be a natural mystic? An extreme affinity for nature.

    Mirabai Starr: “That’s why there’s the term “Mother Earth.” For a lot of people with mystical inclinations, it’s a felt relationship with the earth, as a cherished loved one, as a relative. It’s about fully embodying our humanity and our relationship with the natural world, but that’s still a mystical experience, because we, our separate ego self dissolves into that vast mystery of The One.”

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