April 19, 2020FORBES
Cataclysm catalyses radical change: it is figured as the city contrary to Rome/Babylon, a city gendered female, “the New Jerusalem.” In this city, contrary to the world of The Wall, the gates are open 24/7. The image is built of the ancient Hebrew hope, rigorously historical and material, of “the new heaven and earth.”
What Do Countries With The Best Coronavirus Responses Have In Common? Women Leaders
Generally, the empathy and care which all of these female leaders have communicated seems to come from an alternate universe than the one we have gotten used to. It’s like their arms are coming out of their videos to hold you close in a heart-felt and loving embrace. Who knew leaders could sound like this? Now we do.
There have been years of research timidly suggesting that women’s leadership styles might be different and beneficial. Instead, too many political organizations and companies are still working to get women to behave more like men if they want to lead or succeed. Yet these national leaders are case study sightings of the seven leadership traits men may want to learn from women.
- Don’t lean in when you’ve got nothing to lean in about.
- Know your own limitations.
- Motivate through transformation.
- Put your people ahead of yourself.
- Don’t command; empathize.
- Don’t say you’re “humbled.” Be humble
- Does reading this upset you?
It’s time we recognized it – and elected more of it.
As Paul wrote in his letters, “The old life is gone; a new life has begun.” Let’s go, boldly and faithfully, where we are lead.’
no más.
He lied.
He lies.
He’ll lie again.
And again.
And again.
November 3, 2020