Dayle's Community Café | #IdahoCOVID19


    March 20, 2020



    As of 4:39pm South Central Public Health District @SCPHD is reporting 19 cases of COVID-19 in Blaine County


    St. Luke’s Wood River


    “Considering the small size and unique population of our community, this spread has disproportionately impacted our caregivers in Wood River.”

    An update on operations at Wood River Medical Center

    At St. Luke’s Wood River, every decision we make is with the health and wellness of our patients, caregivers and communities at the center. As was shared yesterday, Blaine County has experienced significant community spread of COVID-19. Many are now required to self-quarantine due to contact with those who have tested positive. Considering the small size and unique population of our community, this spread has disproportionately impacted our caregivers in Wood River.

    In support of a safe environment for our patients and caregivers, effective immediately we will be temporarily suspending normal operations at St. Luke’s Wood River.

    • Our Emergency Department will remain operational, with all admissions transferring to an appropriate facility.
    • Surgical and OB staff are on-call to perform emergent procedures. All non-emergent and elective procedures are being postponed.
    • Services at our clinics within the community will also be temporarily suspended. We are reaching out to patients who currently have non-emergent appointments scheduled to convert these to a telehealth option, or to postpone them.
    • Our COVID-19 drive-through screening and sample collection tent for patients exhibiting symptoms will remain operational from 10:00am – 6:00pm daily. Patients will be able to stay in their cars for screening, registration and, if needed, specimen collection.
    • The Walk-In Clinic adjacent to the medical center will be open daily 10:00am – 6:00pm.
    • The decision we have made regarding operations at Wood River we feel is an appropriate one to ensure the safety of our patients, providers and staff and will help us focus our resources where they are most needed – the emergency department, screening tent and walk-in clinic. We will continue to work with patients, their families and our teams at other locations to ensure they receive the care needed. We will continually work to keep our community informed. We thank you for your patience and cooperation.”*

    ‘It is devilishly hard to think in terms of exponential growth. The human mind isn’t built for it. But this is exponential growth. If we don’t stop it now, what it will take — and cost — to stop it later will be far more horrifying.’

    ‘No other country has been this far into the pandemic and still had the number of cases growing at the rates the U.S. is seeing.’

    From Idaho Department of Health & Welfare

    If you have had an unexpected significant impact to your income that may be ongoing for the foreseeable future, please call 1-877-456-1233 or visit to apply for public assistance.

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