Dayle's Community Café | 2020 February 07

❥ this.

February 7, 2020

If God Is Dead, Your Time Is Everything

Martin Hägglund argues that rigorous secularism leads to socialism.

Hägglund reminds us that King had studied Marx with care while a student, and that he told the Montgomery Advertiser, in 1956, that his favorite philosopher was Hegel. Toward the end of his life, King had begun to insist that society has to “question the capitalistic economy.” He called for what he described as “a revolution of values.” At a tape-recorded staff meeting for the Poor People’s Campaign in January, 1968, King appears to have asked for the recording to be stopped, so that he could talk candidly about the fact that, in the words of a witness, “he didn’t believe capitalism as it was constructed could meet the needs of poor people, and that what we might need to look at was a kind of socialism, but a democratic form of socialism.” King told the group that if anyone made that information public he would deny it.

Hägglund does his usual deconstructive reversal, and argues that King’s religiosity was really a committed secularism. At this point in the book, this looks less like a hermeneutic move than like an expected reality. We read the famous words of King’s last speech with new eyes, alert both to his secularism and to a burgeoning critique of capitalism that had to stay clandestine:

It’s all right to talk about “streets flowing with milk and honey,” but God has commanded us to be concerned about the slums down here, and his children who can’t eat three square meals a day. It’s all right to talk about the new Jerusalem, but one day, God’s preacher must talk about the new New York, the new Atlanta, the new Philadelphia, the new Los Angeles, the new Memphis, Tennessee. This is what we have to do.

I finished “This Life” in a state of enlightened despair, with clearer vision and cloudier purpose—I was convinced, step by step, of the moral rectitude of Hägglund’s argument even as I struggled to imagine the political system that might institute his desired revaluation of value. As if aware of such faintheartedness, he ends the book with a beautiful examination of Martin Luther King, Jr.—in particular the celebrated last speech he gave, in Memphis. Hägglund reminds us that King had studied Marx with care while a student, and that he told the Montgomery Advertiser, in 1956, that his favorite philosopher was Hegel. Toward the end of his life, King had begun to insist that society has to “question the capitalistic economy.” He called for what he described as “a revolution of values.”

After the theory and the academic reversals and the grand proposals, Hägglund’s book ends, stirringly, with a grounded account of a man who died trying to use his precious time to change the precious time of oppressed people, aware that the full realization of his vision would likely involve a revaluation of value that could not yet be spoken in America. We still haven’t seen that system, and it’s hard to imagine it, but someone went up the mountain and looked out, and saw the promised land. And that land is in this life, not in another one. ♦

[Full Read]

Named a Book of the Year by The Guardian 

‘A profound, original, and accessible book that offers a new secular vision of how we can lead our lives. Ranging from fundamental existential questions to the most pressing social issues of our time, This Life shows why our commitment to freedom and democracy should lead us beyond both religion and capitalism.

In this groundbreaking book, the philosopher Martin Hägglund challenges our received notions of faith and freedom. The faith we need to cultivate, he argues, is not a religious faith in eternity but a secular faith devoted to our finite life together. 

He shows that all spiritual questions of freedom are inseparable from economic and material conditions. What ultimately matters is how we treat one another in this life, and what we do with our time together.

Hägglund develops new existential and political principles while transforming our understanding of spiritual life. His critique of religion takes us to the heart of what it means to mourn our loved ones, be committed, and care about a sustainable world. His critique of capitalism demonstrates that we fail to sustain our democratic values because our lives depend on wage labor. In clear and pathbreaking terms, Hägglund explains why capitalism is inimical to our freedom, and why we should instead pursue a novel form of democratic socialism.

In developing his vision of an emancipated secular life, Hägglund engages with great philosophers from Aristotle to Hegel and Marx, literary writers from Dante to Proust and Knausgaard, political economists from Mill to Keynes and Hayek, and religious thinkers from Augustine to Kierkegaard and Martin Luther King, Jr. This Life gives us new access to our past—for the sake of a different future.’


Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman

For your service, for your loyalty, for love of country, for your compassion, for truth, thank you, Lt. Vindman. You are a patriot. Love to your brother, and your family.

“LTC Vindman was asked to leave for telling the truth,” his attorney, David Pressman, said in a statement. “The truth has cost LTC Alexander Vindman his job, his career and his privacy.”


And to your brother, Yevgeny Vindman, our deepest apologies.

Paulette for Senate

“Throughout the last year, I received many emails and calls from Idahoans across the state urging me to run for the U.S. Senate. After deep contemplation, discussions with my family and prayer, I have decided to enter the race.

I have listened as Idahoans from all walks of life have expressed frustration with the corruption and partisan gridlock in Washington. As Senator, I will work tirelessly to ensure the rights of Idahoans and our children are not put second to corporate shareholders. I will put people over politics. I will represent the people of the great state of Idaho with enormous pride and dedication.

With your support, we will set a new standard of leadership — no longer will elected officials make decisions for the benefit of their corporate donors and personal interests. No more going to war to ensure that lucrative defense contracts are made. No more widespread environmental damage in order to increase corporate dividends. No more prioritizing for-profit prisons over the healthcare of our people.

Being actively involved in civic, environmental and political issues since the early nineties, I have a track record of fighting for Idahoans. As your Senator, I will bring pragmatic ideas and policies straight from the people of Idaho to the chambers of the United States Senate and represent Idahoans in a way they deserve.

I am excited at the opportunity to serve the people of this great state. But before I can serve, I must win. To be successful in this endeavor, it will take a very strong and dedicated grassroots organization. I believe the voters of this state will take a step forward with me in a united effort. I am turning to those who have supported me the longest, who know me best, humbly inviting you to get involved in my campaign and help me make a difference.

Thank you in advance for your encouragement, generous support, and prayers. My family and I are grateful for everything Idaho has given us and I hope to make you proud.”

Sincerely Yours,

Tuesday, November 3, 2020


Full Moon in Leo

 Sunday, February 9 at 12:33 AM Mountain Standard Time (MST).

‘This moon is good for grounding, generosity, courage and the support needed to show up in your life in a bigger way. We are all striving for more; becoming more powerful, wise, accomplished, conscious, successful, satisfied, happy and fulfilled. Allow this full moon to feed your self-confidence so you can be all those things.

Forgive all the times you have been hard on yourself for the illusion of “not doing it right”.

Take in as much sunlight as possible and honor the masculine in yourself, the quality of taking action, and the ability to manage your energy in a productive way.

In this surge of energy, you may experience things feeling a bit out of control and it may be easy to get irritated and impatient especially around a process you have no control over, such as traffic or weather or other peoples issues. Stick to your own sense of management, stay in your own lane, and don’t get caught up in any drama that is taking place “out there” or with others. Your best service is being a grounded focused example of stability in the midst of turmoil and chaos.’ -Power Path

‘Still I Rise’


‘Nevertheless, she persisted.’



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