Everything Is Holy Now

    December 24, 2019

    ‘I open myself to this time and place made holy by my contemplation. I open my heart, my mind and my very being to be present to that vast and amazing cosmic story which is still being told…a conclusion that is not yet known but continues to reveal itself in all of its creation.

    I contemplate this Living Presence, and I view this vast arc of goodness, truth and beauty that my eyes behold. My very being is filled with wonder and awe of Its glory.

    I am aware of that life…of that mind which was in the mind of Jesus the Christ…I am aware that that life is my life and my mind now, and from this place, I speak my word. The word that I speak is peace. The peace that heals restores and reconciles my life to all life. The peace that diffuses any perception of illusion of separation from myself or anyone or anything. I allow myself to be grounded in the experience of this peace, this beauty, this goodnesss that avails itself to each of us now.

    I am aware that we are all a center of divine consciousness in this vast whole. I know that each of us is family to our home…our mother, the Earth. I know this Presence was there at the beginning of all things. It is the Presence that sustains all things. It is the Presence that makes all things news. It is the Christ consciousness that incarnates in all creation.

    This presence…the Christ consciousness…calls forth in each of us that which is good and noble. It is this Presence that invites each of us to co-create a world that is just, equitable and sustainable of all life…a world that works for all creation.

    And so even now, as light gives way to darkness, I know that once again light is born from darkness. And so I am filled with gratefulness for the light that gives us warmth, that guide us and renews us. Naming it good, I call it forth by saying may it be so.’

    ~Ninoska Duenas



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