Dayle's Community Café | 2019 January 18


January 18, 2019


Power Path

We have been in this window between two eclipses since the New Moon on the 5th putting the screws on to our self reflection of what we need to do, where we need to go, what we need to change, what to keep, what to release, who we are, and who we are not. Once this Eclipse window is over, we get to come up for some air and reshuffle our lives based on emerging decisions, choices and intentions.
Despite the intensity, it is crucial that you focus on your personal truth regarding your intentions, dreams and desires. Don’t get derailed by drama that is not yours and make sure to be around people and in places that you love and feel inspired by. Any prayers during this time will be greatly supported so be generous with them.  What do you have a passion for? Embrace it and put forth your desire to explore it in the adventure that is your life. Include a little gratitude as well for all that you do have and all that is going well. 
It is also a good time to focus prayers on how you wish to experience your world. Without judgment, blame or attachment to how it should look (in your opinion), imagine how it would feel everyday if you woke up feeling the inspiration, beauty and joy of a cooperative, compassionate and loving planet.  Put that prayer into your heart and project it like an arrow into the world. There are a lot of things in this world you cannot control, but your prayers are something you can. So pray your very best during this intense and powerful time, not only for yourself but for all your relations. 
This is a good time for change, commitment, putting yourself first, expanding your growth, pushing beyond your comfort zone, thinking outside the box and dreaming big. Lets set some good intentions and do it!
[‘The full moon comes with a total Lunar Eclipse visible in much of North and South America and in parts of Europe, Middle East and Africa. Whenever you have this combination, the intensity increases, people could be reactionary, overly impulsive and emotional highs and lows are exaggerated.’]
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