Dayle's Community Café | 2018 August 03

SVI: Where Convention and Opportunity Meet

August 3, 2018

Initial takeaways from the 2018 Sun Valley Forum:

Re-invent impact.

The media promotes crazy extremes; the changing climate is not a political ideology.

Time is imperative.

“Stop thinking in silos.” -Julie Wrigley


Climate Mayors — the national coalition of 407 U.S. Mayors dedicated to pursuing solutions to global warming — denounces this unprecedented attack on both the environment and states’ rights, and vows to continue moving forward on transportation policies that help reduce the impact of climate pollution.

“I promise to leave the world better than I found it.”

The authors of Natural Capitalism say that these choices are possible and such an economy would offer a stunning new set of opportunities for all of society, amounting to no less than the next industrial revolution. The book has many practical suggestions for companies interested in a sustainable future.

According to the authors, the “next industrial revolution” depends on the espousal of four central strategies: “the conservation of resources through more effective manufacturing processes, the reuse of materials as found in natural systems, a change in values from quantity to quality, and investing in natural capital, or restoring and sustaining natural resources.

We win or die by our culture; we are everyday change makers.


The Climate Optimist Manifesto:

“I believe we can solve climate change.

I will shine a light on solutions, share my optimism & take positive action.”

“There isn’t enough hope–we have to keep hope alive”

“Martin Luther King didn’t say, ‘I have a nightmare.’ He said, ‘I have a dream.'”

Climate Change Mitigation and Advocacy in 2018 and Beyond

by Anita Fete Crews


On May 2, Blessed Tomorrow and Auburn Seminary co-hosted the 2018 National Climate and Faith Leadership Forum, a gathering of nearly 50 faith leaders exploring how to increase climate change mitigation and advocacy activities across the country. Participants represented a diverse group of faith institutions and faith-based organizations, shared best practices, and discussed how to catalyze new, bolder, and broader efforts such as committing to 100% clean energy. Faith organizations and leaders are increasingly adopting climate change as a top priority, and embracing care for God’s creation as part of their faith identity and moral responsibility.

In Sun Valley, the Local Food Alliance:
If each Blaine County resident spends just $5 each week on locally grown food, our farmers will earn $56 million annually — a huge economic boost.

“Vote with your fork.” -Ali Long

“Local Food Alliance…is on and pushing the leading edge of dynamic social and economic changes that are increasingly important in an ever-widening circle of acceptance.” – Larry Schoen, Blaine County Commissioner

Senator Cory Booker (D) spoke with Founding Executive Director Aimee Christensen at the first Sun Valley Forum four years ago. On Friday, August 2nd, at the Netroots National Annual Conference he shared:

“No matter how powerful corporate greed and corporations might be getting, the power of the people is greater than the people in power.”

And this gives us hope.

[More from the forum soon–check this space.]

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