Voting, gerrymandering, the 2020 census, and a train wreck.

    April 12, 2017

    The intersection of voting, gerrymandering and the 2020 census. Three stories lay out an oncoming train wreck in Trump’s administration.

    “In January, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) added the 2020 census to its ‘high risk’ list of programs and agencies. We could be headed for a train wreck if the Census Bureau doesn’t get the resources it needs. The census affects every corner of America, determining where hundreds of billions of federal dollars flow annually, where businesses open new stores and which states gain—or lose—seats in the House of Representatives in 2020 reapportionment.” [Politico]

    1. HBO TV host John Oliver, Last Week Tonight, condenses the complex issue of gerrymandering in context of democracy.
    2. Voting Rights and Texas, Alabama, too. And what heavy political right-winger and newly appointed Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch could undo.
    3. Trump’s census threat. 
    Posted by dayle at 1:05 pm
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