
March 19, 2016


Power Path


‘Spring Equinox is Saturday, March 19 at 10:30PM Mountain Daylight Time. (MDT) Honor this transition by completing something that needs it and by consciously intending for the birth of something new. What wants to be fired up right now? What needs a bit more power? What are you finished with?


This is a potent time between two powerful eclipses and what you focus on around this Equinox time will carry great power into the future. Even if it is just an idea or a decision that you commit to following through with, take the time to explore it and give it some attention. This is also a good time to try something new, do something out of your comfort zone and stretch your container a little bit.


Acknowledge this time as well as your own process with a ceremony using the elements of fire, water, air and earth. If you are releasing something, burn or bury it. Work with breath and water to bless and bring in something new.’

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