stars/Andromeda Galaxy

‘Star stuff harvesting sunlight.’

October 3, 2020

As our collective hearts continue to break in 2020 for so many reasons of sorrow, remembering, look up.

The sky calls to us. If we do not destroy ourselves, we will one day venture to the stars. -Carl Sagan

Each dot is a star in our neighboring galaxy. 500 million stars at the heart of the Andromeda Galaxy.

Cosmic Community

The truth is doing us good.

The truth of the sunshine.

The truth of the rain.

The truth of the fresh air.

The truth of the wind in the trees.

These truths are always acceptable.

-Thomas Merton, Contemplation in a World of Action


“The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves.”

Julius Ceasar, Act I, Scene III



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